Thursday, August 9, 2007


I've always been a big fan of change, especially when it is for the better. This is not to say that change is an easy process. It isn't. But it is beneficial - promotes growth, empowerment, confidence.


Lynx217 said...

Change is a good thing, it enables you to grow and experience new things... and sometimes meet new people!! So enjoy the changes that come and make the best of them!

Walter parker said...

We are changing all the time. If we didn't we would die. Nothing remains the same ever. It is just the big changes that most people feel as they feel comfortable and safe where they are and feel the changes will challenge them to much and and the challenges of the unknown often threaten people more than their present situations, even when currently unhappy.

Barbara Ruth Saunders said...

I've never related to the idea that change is hard. As Walter noted, change simply is. People who say they find it hard to change are usually working very hard in a futile attempt to keep things "the same."