Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Have you ever wondered why things tend to be so difficult at times? What is it about our actions that invites the drama and the angst? What is it about others that brings them into the fray?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

First Impressions

How important are first impressions to you? And by first impressions, I mean what does your gut tell you. We can all jump to conclusions about someone, fairly quickly. But, is it fair to that person. Does our sense of fairness impede our ability to rely on something older than time.

Sometimes that gut feeling, somewhat eroded by time and circumstance, is key in truly getting a gauge about someone. So in essence, are first impressions based on what we can forgive or what we know instinctively?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why do we make life so difficult for ourselves?

I'm a true believer that we each, in our own way, contribute to our own problems. Why do you think that is?